Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tales of Mystery and Terror

Book identity:
Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam
Alih Bahasa: Maggie Tiojakin
GM 402 01 10 0081
Desain dan ilustrasi sampul : Staven Anderson
Editor: Hetih Rusli
Hak Cipta terjemahan Indonesia: PT Gramedia Pustaka Indonesia
Cetakan kedua : Juli 2011
248 hlm; 18 cm
ISBN : 978-979-22-6537-8

Just done with this book. Great book, very interesting. Highly recommended ^_^
The author is Edgar Allan Poe, includes 13 stories of Poe's most famous tales:
  1. The Tell-Tale Heart (like this)
  2. MS. Found in a Bottle (like this, need to read it again)
  3. Hop-Frog (like this)
  4. The Oval Portrait (like this alot)
  5. A Descent into the Maelstrom (like this alot)
  6. The Oblong Box (like this alot)
  7. Some Words with a Mummy (like this)
  8. The Masque of the Red Death (like this, need to read it again)
  9. The Black Cat (like this alot) - a bit rude for cat lovers, I think.
  10. The Pit and the Pendulum (like this alot, my favourite of all thirteen)
  11. The Sphnix (like this alot)
  12. William Wilson (like this alot)
  13. The Fall of the House of Usher (like this, need to read it again)
Some tales with note "need to read it again" means I don't really get the stories yet. Poe can be very straight, plain, and easy to understand, but in other tales can be so hard to.
If any of you would like to read the tales, be prepared, cause the tales (at least how Poe tell his tales) can brought me into a depression moment, with the horror and terror. Really master of mystery and macabre.

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