Another thing that I do in my spare time is learning Japanese. It just came into my mind why I’m not sharing what I’m learning in this blog. I’m a beginner in Japanese, so let’s start this together and have fun. I probably will make lots of mistakes, but I try to find best reference for learning materials posted.
I asked myself which language I’m going to use here: Japanese-Indonesian or Japanese-English, and after thinking for a while I’ve decided why not all three J
Let’s start with easiest part, i.e. simple words, yet very effective, because we will be using these words quite often.
For this first part let’s use Romanization of the Japanese. After we learn Kana (Japanese alphabet) then we will leave the Romanization J
Guide: First line is the Japanese (blue), second is English (white), and third is Indonesian (purple).
Mainichino aisatsuto kaiwahyougen. Note: actually there’s no space between words in Japanese. Usage of space is to ease foreigner when learning Japanese.
Daily greetings and common words in conversation.
Salam Sehari-Hari dan Ungkapan Dalam Percakapan.
1. Ohayou Gozaimasu
Good Morning
Selamat Pagi
2. Konnichiwa Note: use this from 10 AM until the sun sets
Good Afternoon
Selamat Siang
3. Konbanwa
Good Night
Selamat Malam
4. Oyasuminasai
Have a Rest
Selamat Beristirahat
5. Sayounara
Good Bye
Selamat Tinggal
6. Arigatou Gozaimasu
Thank you
7. Sumimasen
Excuse Me
8. Onegaishimasu
Mohon Bantuannya
These are the words for today.
Happy learning J